Deck the Halls with These Holiday Food Trends
Deck the Halls with These Holiday Food Trends

Get ready to eat, drink and be merry with the latest holiday food trends this holiday season! This is the time of year to share a great meal with those special to you. So, whether you’re looking for holiday recipes for one or thirty, check out the latest food trends for 2022 to spark some inspiration. 

Boards, Boards, Boards

Charcuteries boards got some friendly competition this past summer with butter boards, and the schmearing didn’t stop there. Butter boards are a fresh twist on a traditional charcuterie board that starts with spreading and dolloping room-temperature butter on a clean, decorative cutting board. The board is then topped with other tasty accouterments like herbs, radishes, crackers, and crusty bread. 

This holiday season, wooden cutting boards are getting schmeared and decorated with hummus, buttercream, cream cheese, pimento cheese, and even mashed potatoes! These fun boards can be made sweet or savory, allowing the creator to go out of the box. Pick your favorite dip, artistically dollop it on a board, and you’re good to go. Make sure to provide lots of items and knives for schmearing and let the party begin. The bonus to these twists on traditional charcuterie boards is that you can make them as extravagant as your budget allows.

Microwaves for the Assist

When you think of microwaves, you probably think of popcorn, reheating yesterday’s leftovers, or frozen TV dinners. If you think microwaves are just for college students, you’re missing out on this great invention! For one, ask anyone who hosts for the holidays what their oven situation is. No matter how much Tetris you played in middle school, there is never enough oven space during the holiday season. Your 15-pound turkey and brisket are taking up the bulk of space, and you’ve got another six sides to keep warm.  Consider plating sides in microwave-safe dishes to quickly reheat them in your trusty microwave before serving. 

The holidays also mean a lot of social gatherings, so the desire to cook a healthy meal can seem daunting. However, while the microwave shines at making popcorn, mug cakes, and heating food, it can also be used to prepare dishes like salmon. You read that right! Cook salmon in your microwave; just ask Stephen King and David Chang. The Ovention Matchbox and MiLO make picture-perfect salmon, but those with the Ovention MiSA or a traditional microwave can cook it too! 

Classics with a Twist

We love classic family recipes handed down through the generations, but this year is about honoring old traditions with a modern twist. Consider swapping sweet potatoes and marshmallows with sweet potatoes roasted in tangy gochujang or spicy harissa. Instead of serving vegetables steamed with butter, salt, and pepper, roast carrots with umami-rich miso or brown sugar and bourbon! Of course, those time-honored traditions will always hold a place in our hearts, like Aunt Sue’s homemade brandy slush, but there’s a reason people stopped making ham Jell-O molds. Check out our Spicy Baker’s Dozen Blog to get inspiration for your holiday baked goods.

Ovention Ovens Make It Easy
Shuttle® NEW 2600! 2000/1600/1200
Shuttle® NEW 2600! 2000/1600/1200

If you value precision and volume, Ovention has the perfect oven to fit your operation. The Shuttle sets the new standard for conveyor ovens everywhere. No other oven can operate as both a conveyor and a closed-cavity oven.

Matchbox® 1718/1313
Matchbox® 1718/1313

Cook a full menu of delicious offerings without an oven hood. The Ovention Matchbox 1718/1313 takes the traditional conveyor oven to a whole new level.

Conveyor 2600/2000/1400
Conveyor 2600/2000/1400

Simple, smart and the right fit for operators looking for a high-throughput conveyor oven. The Ovention Conveyor Oven is the most technologically elegant and operator-friendly conveyor on the market today.

Matchbox® M360 14/12
Matchbox® M360 14/12

Cook a full menu better, faster, and easier. The Ovention Matchbox M360 has Precision Impingement® technology, a unique cooking carousel, and a small footprint, making it the perfect fit for any operation.

Finishing F1400
Finishing F1400

Finish your plates with ease and precision with this robust IR finishing conveyor. Melt, sear, toast, and finish to perfection with this operator-friendly, quiet conveyor.

MiLO® Double/Single
MiLO® Double/Single

Revolutionary infusion of Linear Impingement and Infrared (IR) technologies. Independently controlled top and bottom cavities, each with its own interior light and control panel.


Introducing MiSA; Microwave Speed Assist. Higher quality, higher speed, smaller footprint.

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Cooked with Conveyor 2600/2000

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